Freedom formula Review byJade and Kev

After years of trial and error with online marketing platforms we’re certain we’ve found the best affiliate marketing course for beginners and it’s called the Freedom Formula by Jade and Kev.


Christopher Aiello and Laura Grewcock

2/11/20246 min read

The Freedom formula review by Jade and Kev - Best Affiliate Marketing program (2024)

After years of trial and error with online marketing platforms we’re certain we’ve found the best affiliate marketing course for beginners and it’s called the Freedom Formula by Jade and Kev.

We have been let down time and time again by companies promising the world with online courses and programs that fail to deliver, leaving us out of pocket thousands and lost time. However after discovering The Freedom Formula affiliate program by Jade and Kev, our faith was suddenly restored.

This is our comprehensive and detailed guide to the Freedom Formula review by Jade and Kev of which we personally use and have been part of the Freedom affiliate program for many years (since they launched to be exact)

If you're new to affiliate marketing and have no idea what it's all about and would love to start an affiliate marketing course then keep reading, as we explain all the nuts and bolts of how you can get started on your online journey.

What is affiliate marketing

In its simplest explanation, affiliate marketing in Australia is the process of promoting and selling products or services of another company, and earning a commission of each sale. Simple.

There are a number of affiliate companies today like Get your Guide or Commission Factory that do just this- promote a product, sell that product and earn a commission on each sale. The Freedom formula by Jade and Kev does SO MUCH MORE than this.

Freedom formula review by Jade and Kev

In all honesty, the Freedom Affiliate Launch is the most comprehensive, holistic and educational affiliate program we have ever been a part of. Many online courses never teach you how to market and build wealth from the ground up; this is where Jade and Kev have succeeded.

The Freedom affiliate program was created in 2020 by the Australian couple Jade and Kev and has since gained massive popularity and momentum as one of the most successful digital education courses in Australia.

At its core, The Freedom Formula is a comprehensive digital education course designed to provide a step by step, no b**sh*t approach to building an online business that generates an incredible income.

By providing everyday people like you and me with an arsenal of digital products to learn from including email marketing, sale funnels and more recently money mindset education, affiliate members learn the skills of how to create a digital online business that allows them to monetise their skills and get back their time.

The course is designed for affiliate marketing for beginners as well as those who want to learn advanced affiliate marketing skills; and with an ever increasing library of educational tools and money mindset philosophies, the program helps you build and maintain and online income.

Freedom Affiliate Launch - Best affiliate marketing course

Their most successful online course, the Freedom Affiliate Launch is the powerhouse of The Freedom Formula, their parent company.

What makes this online course so successful and different from any other program today is the education to create a business that will stand the test of time.

Your taught the building blocks of how to build a website, how to properly set up email marketing, how to build an online social media presence, sales funnels and creating email lists.

On top of this, affiliates are given instructional talks and video tutorials on analysing your own concepts of money and how to shift your perspective on limiting beliefs around money - trust me when we say this is the most exciting and important part of your online business journey.

The Freedom Affiliate Launch provides a holistic and personal approach to building your business entrepreneurial muscle (your brain) by creating an automated system that gives you back your time.

Whilst automation is the name of the game, the Freedom Affiliate Launch doesn't promise that hard work and dedication isn't required - this is not a qet rich quick scheme. What is does teach and show you however is that you're income is no longer attached to your time.

One of the most attractive elements of the Freedom Affiliate Launch is the Freedom Partner Program.

Along with building your own online business, Jade and Kev offer an program that allows you to earn affiliate commission by promoting and selling the Freedom Formula programs to your own audience.

You get the benefit of the like minded community of affiliate marketers in addition to the educational series that includes guided visualisations, live Q & A coaching calls and group call sessions.

We found it so encouraging and inspiring to chat with others doing the course and share in one another's success. This has been such a win-win for us because we genuinely LOVE these programs as they've allowed us to create a thriving business of our own and it's a course we're proud to be a part of.

If you're interested in learning more by this point then you can sign up to the free masterclass by Jade and Kev.

Jade and Kev have managed to turn affiliate marketing in Australia on its head and provide people like us with a helpful educational affiliate course that delivers on authenticity without feeling like you're selling your soul to the devil.

Can you make real money from The Freedom formula

Simply, yes.

Of course we couldn't get away with it that easily without being completely transparent and honest with our Freedom Formula review.

There's nothing worse than reading an article like this, wondering where how to start your affiliate journey but questioning if it's all worth it and does it work? In all honesty we saw our first affiliate commissions in the first month of launching our website.

Having had our money mindset completely revolutionised and a kick-ass system of email marketing, sale funnels and so much more allowed us to generate a profit from day one.

Below is an example of the frequency of sales and potential that this course has allowed us.

Having spent years learning and understanding the online business space with Jade and Kev, the stories we told ourselves about how to earn money and what you need to give up in order to earn more money have completely shifted.

Don't get me wrong we were definitely skeptical at first, we think there's a healthy level of skepticism that should be incorporated before you dive head first into anything. However after the very first day of video tutorials and learning from them it was profoundly easy to see where this incredible model of online marketing could take us.

If the proof is in the pudding, these two entrepreneurs have created an affiliate business that now turns over millions of dollars each year, and in doing so have handed over the tried and true lessons and education that helped them create a successful online business.

Our final thoughts on the Freedom Formula Review by Jade and Kev

If this is the first time your' learning about affiliate marketing and in particular the Freedom Formula then we completely understand if you're still feeling a little overwhelmed by all the terms, heck you still may feel a little dizzy about what this course can really offer you.

Without sounding too contrive and risking a little bias, our honest opinion of this course is nothing short of amazing. There are but a few online course in Australia that give you the same building blocks that to build that dream, online business you've been thinking of for some time now, and the Freedom Affiliate Launch program could be that thing for you.

Neither of us have a background in marketing or business that gave us a leg up in the industry, but that speaks volume to the ability of Jade and Kev's framework they've created that has allowed thousands of creators and business minded people like you and us to go off in the world and create the life you've only been dreaming of.

We personally recommend the Freedom Formula by Jade and Kev and their Freedom Affiliate Launch to anybody who is serious about beginning their online business.

This is literally the PERFECT course for anybody within and outside of Australia of any background to harness the power of time and financial freedom.

We've been a part of both the Freedom partner program and the Freedom affiliate launch since the very beginning and would highly recommend it. If you're curious to learn more, click the buttons below to take you through to a free masterclass.

Beginner Affiliate Marketer FAQ

What is the best affiliate marketing course for beginners

In our opinion the Freedom Affiliate Launch by Jade and Kev is our go to option for starting out. It's an easy to follow framework with video tutorials, guides and lessons that build on each other sequentially to set you up for success.

How to start affiliate marketting in Australia

This industry is currently exploding in both popularity and success in Australia and as more and more people turn to the power of the internet and creating online businesses, this is an amazing opportunity to get on board before it really takes off.

If you decide on wanting to have your own website and have total control of everything we recommend the Freedom Affiliate Launch program that we are apart of. If you prefer to sell other peoples products without having your own website an framework then companies like GetYourGuide and Commission Factory or Travelpayouts offer low ticket sales for tours they sell.

DISCLAIMER: Some of the link in this article are affiliate links and we may earn a small commission of purchases made at no extra cost to you. All of the opinions and recommendations included in this article are our own, honest and true based off personal experience. The commissions help us continue to offer free services like this article.
